First Annual Ham Run Half Marathon

We had a great day for the half marathon and 5k races on Sunday May 4th. The sun was out, the runners were cheerful, all went smoothly for this first annual event. I was part of the Transportation Team—I’ve never been part of the organazional side of a run like this. The runners that I shuttled were very pleased with the logistics, surprised that all could run so smoothly for a “first event.”

I had to smile as I watched Mike and Sue Prom, Tom Lynch, Bob Baker—with all the people involved with their radios and their logistics. They were running this with the same procedural structure as a fire incident—of course it ran smoothly, they’ve had LOTS of practice with that! The happy runners were already looking forward to bringing their friends next year….better get training!!!

Jana claimed that she and Mike weren’t in a race, they were on a date.

Gunflint Pines hosted the start of the race.

The Trail’s End Band played for the Ham lunch following the races.

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