It is finally spring-like enough around here to motivate me to write an update! After a false spring in mid March I lost a little hope when the cold weather and snow showers returned. This weekend however felt good enough for me to peel the window plastic off, dust off the screens and open the windows wide!
In just a few days with sunshine, 60’s, wind, and rain, the drive ways and road have almost completely cleared off. Thanks to the diligent Cook County guys, the culverts are flowing freely and the road has not washed away at all this spring (yay!).
The beaver pond by the road is so close to loosing all it’s ice. Those are ravens up above in the shot. They have been making all sorts of crazy sounds as they work on their nests and pair up for the spring nestling season. Other birds have been out chirping and buzzing about like the pine siskins and juncos. I woke this morning to the sounds of robins singing in the yard. Hard not to smile with that kind of alarm clock.
The Cross River is gurgling along happily in the sunshine as well. Just two days difference in these two pictures below shows what can happen in the spring. The ice is almost all gone between the rapids close to the road and the first portage towards Ham Lake. Won’t be long until that chunk breaks free and we can paddle over there.


Lucy and I have been sneaking out of the office to go for long muddy romps in the sunshine. The Magnetic Rock hiking trail is very muddy with frost heaves rutting the trail and snow and ice piles in the shady spots. Sure feels great to stretch the legs and Lucy enjoys getting as muddy as possible. The Centennial Hiking trail is still holding on to a crust of ice in the shade as well but is always good for a spring adventure
Round Lake is looking pretty springy as well. The ice is pulling away from the shore and has popped up enough to allow the standing melt water on top to drain down. The ice is looking darker and darker each day. Won’t be long before paddling season begins if the weather holds!
Keep watching the blog for updates on the ice conditions. I will post what I know as we approach May. Keep sending warm thoughts our way!