Jim Colbert from Iowa State wins the prize for canoe trip detours, 2 years in a row. Last year we set up a detour for him, and Jim Holz and their biology students. They put in on Poplar in May, because the Ham Lake fire kept them out of our neck of the woods. They camped on Omega—the fire was 12 miles away when they started out….and they wondered if it was still 12 miles away?????–but not—
and they were escorted out through Brule Lake.
This year, Jim and two students were good Samaritans as they escorted a camper in trouble all the way from Little Sag. Then they had some soup, stocked up on fresh cookies and Mountain Dew (in the Nalgene bottles, of course, model BWCA campers that they are) and headed right back. We hope that they are back on Little Sag right now! We really like these guys—and bet that they’ll sleep well tonight!!
Thanks, in part, to a very tasty and timely lunch from the folks at Tuscarora we got back to our campsite in western Little Sag shortly after 7:00 PM on 20 May. The two students who paddled out the camper in trouble (in a 3 person canoe with the camper’s gear) were Caleb Robb and Tyler Feldhacker. I paddled the camper’s solo canoe on the way to Round Lake. It was a bit chilly and windy on Little Sag as we were returning so we were very glad to get back to our camp where Jim Holtz (trip co-leader) and the rest of the group took good care of us with food and a fire upon our return. I wonder how many other people have paddled from Little Sag to Round Lake and back in a day…and WHY they might have done so…*whew*