If you’d asked us six weeks ago, we’d have told you it looked like an early ice out year for sure, but here it is, April 21, and we’re still iced in on the Gunflint Trail. Despite warm weather and open water in the rest of the state, it’s not paddling season quite yet. But soon . . . very soon . . .
Local lore is that Gunflint Lake’s ice goes out two weeks after the North Brule River’s ice goes out. North Brule was ice free on April 15, which makes April 29 the day Gunflint should go out this year. That said, it looks like the western part of the lake may be ice free before that.
You just might be able to paddle into the Boundary Water’s Larch Lake via Larch Creek. Of course, you might find yourself facing a big iceberg when you reach the lake.
Both Seagull and Saganaga Lakes have pulled away from their shores significantly, but a lot of melting that needs to happen before they’re ice free.

Saganaga Lake – April 21, 2016
Meanwhile, Cross Bay is looking pretty liquid and you could probably make it to the first campsite on Ham Lake.
The high water washed away the beaver dam that was built last fall.
The river’s really churning away right now. It’s a pretty incredible sight.
Until we’re ice free, we’re going to party like it’s 1999 . . . .
Thanks for the picts and updates. Always interesting to hear.