Bill Sherck visits Tuscarora

Our friend Bill Sherck came to visit us last week. I’m stealing his blog about it, because he tells a great story. In fact, he has a lot of great stories, and he also knows Don Shelby a little bit. (And that is a story I wish he could tell you in person.)

Our dads worked together in Toronto years ago, where, rumor has it, we used to play as little kids. I vaguely remember (or my dad just filled in the memory) an event with all the Control Data moms and kids, but I don’t remember Bill because he was a newborn, and I was at least 6. It has been good to get reacquainted in these past 5 years, because now he can talk back. We really like him.

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2 Responses

  1. Sometimes its really cool to get reaquainted with people after not seeing them for a long time. I have recently become reaquainted with an old neighbor that moved away when I was 14. hadn’t seen her in 36 years and at Christmas break we spent a day together catching up. Sounds like you mad a good friend:)

  2. Bill says:

    I’m sorry, but I can’t stop laughing………….