Changing Conditions

Last week, Denali and I would take the spark out onto the ice

until we got to the middle where it was smooth, and the conditions were perfect for skating.

Then on Saturday, it got warmer and snowed just a tad. Ice skating season was over,

but Shelby could just fly around the lake on her skis.

Last night, the conditions were perfect for a snowstorm, and we got several inches of snow. It was not a perfect drive into town for tennis practice,

but conditions started melting it immediately, and….it was a perfectly lovely ride back up the Gunflint Trail.

Last year on this date., conditions were perfect for……..paddling…………..sigh.

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1 Response

  1. JerryV says:

    What a great video. Wow, does that make me jonesing for some paddling up there!!!

    I love the shot of you guys paddling an ice floe!