Thousands of Trees

This weekend many volunteers came to the Gunflint Trail to plant thousands of white pines, red pines, jack pines in the private property that burned. We are grateful for the crews that came to Tuscarora!

Kjersten collected the bags of trees.
Nancy Seaton organized the entire tree planting extravaganza. (and still she had the energy to plant a few!)

Our new friend Summer came with her dad and brother from Minneapolis to help us plant–and clean up glass from a window that blew out.

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1 Response

  1. royalbl says:

    Thanks for all your wonderful and thought-provoking posts! It’s been helpful to me, so far away, to keep up on your struggles and your joys. I especially appreciated your musings about change, and about whether you’re doing all you can – and the right things – to facilitate your kids’ growth to stable, responsible adults.
    We can’t wait to see you – and the whole Gunflint area – in August!
    Take care –
    Barb Royal